Tuesday, December 20, 2011


If you wonder where I've been, I've been busy shopping and had the pleasure of this precious little granddaughter last week for two nights and three days.  Taryn is the youngest of our grandchildren.  We almost always make cookies when the grandchildren stay and our normal routine is to make Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookies for their Grandpa.  However, with Christmas so close this time Taryn and I made cut out Sugar Cookies.  It didn't take long and she wanted to roll them out herself  and she did a really nice job.

Tomorrow I'm off to finish a little shopping and running errands but things are falling into place here better than usual.  Hope all of you are enjoying this time of year where you are.

Thank you for stopping by! 


Sheri said...

awww how sweet. I am sure you needed all of that help :) She will treasure the memories forever

Lynette said...

Oh Vicki - how sweet and fun!!! Thanks for sharing the great pictures.

Joanne said...

OH.....these photos are SO PRECIOUS!!! They will be great memories for all of you in many years to come! What a great grandma you are!!!

Our local librarian does so many fun projects for the children in our community.  In February I gave her a couple of kits for the kids to ma...