Tuesday, January 19, 2016

STAMPIN' UP! - Sprinkles of Life

When I worked with the religious education students holiday cards for residents of a local care center, I met a lovely young lady who I've been told is quite an artist.  She seemed to really enjoy making cards so i have recruited her to help with making birthday cards for the care center to hand out as a resident celebrates a birthday.

I made up this card as a sample for her and then cut the additional pieces and gave her three "kits" to put together for me.  Another card will be on my blog tomorrow which I have made into kits for her to do.  It is so fun to have found a young person who is interested in helping with this project.  

Thank you for coming by today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful of you to mentor a young person with a project to benefit seniors. Kados for both of you. This is also a simple and fun birthday card for anyone. Good job

Our local librarian does so many fun projects for the children in our community.  In February I gave her a couple of kits for the kids to ma...