Saturday, September 3, 2011


Over the past few days and days to come, I am going to be adding a lot more items to my Picasa Clearance Album (link shown above).  As of now there are nearly 150 items shown there - a few have sold and a notation is made under those pictures.

Because I have a large number of Lasting Impressions stencils I am wanting to clear, I will be opening a new album just for those, although a few of them are already shown in the present clearance album.

I hope you will visit the current album and when I have the second one opened, I will post a link to it above.  If you find something you would like, just email me a brief description and the photo number.  My contact information is on the right of my blog page.

I do hope to get back to making some cards again soon, but just need to take care of a few things first.


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My mother's final weeks were spent in a care center. Unlike the other three facilities that get my cards, I found out that the staff giv...