Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I'm sorry there was no post on yesterday.  My day was long but interesting.  Five years ago (can't believe it's been that long) I was asked if I would be interested in working at the local election polling site.  They had just gone to doing the large part of the signing in on computers.  Since I work on my computer a lot and I'm not employed out of the home, they thought I would be a good candidate to replace someone who was retiring.  Working at the polls is a real education and yesterday was certainly a new set of circumstances to deal with.  If you ever get the chance give it a try.

The day was long yesterday up at 5:00 AM, set up the polling place at 6:00 AM, Polls open at 7:00 AM.  The polls closed at 9:00 PM and I didn't get home until 10:15 PM.  My mind was still going full speed so sleep didn't come easy and I'm very tired today.

The two cards I posted here are both made using Mrs. Grossman stickers.  My mother needed a couple of anniversary cards and time has been premium around here so I took the easy way out and relied on my stickers to get two quick cards done.

If you have any questions, please email me at the address on the top of the right hand column of my blog.  Thank you so much for stopping by!


Annie said...

Very elegant cards, they don't look like "quick" cards, I'm sure your mother will be pleased with them!

Anonymous said...

love the one with the tighter bud. very pretty

Joanne said...

Such realistic looking stickers....and a BEAUTIFUL embossing folder!

Lynette said...

Very pretty, Vicki! Your mother is so lucky to have you to make cards for her. And you are so lucky to be able to make them:)

A few weeks ago I decided to use up a piece of designer paper by using a 12 x 12 One Sheet Wonder pattern from Mary Knabe.  You can see her ...