Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Before this new "format" I always got an email with the comments from individuals and then I got to choose if I posted them.  Only a very few were not posted.  Recently I have had a lot fewer cards to post but noticed that no comments were being made.  Well actually there were comments but since I am getting used to the new style of ""  I just discovered that there were comments waiting in a folder for me to publish or refuse.  And there were comments in a "Spam" folder that I didn't know about.  I have now gone through all of them. 

I did want to say something about one of the comments which accidentally went to the SPAM folder.  One person left a nice comment on one of my baby cards but said that more explanation would be helpful since they were a "newbie".  :)  I can appreciate that and I normally do give more of an explanation.  However at that time and yet to this date other family obligations have just not permitted as much time for me to work on my blog.

Please know that if anyone ever has any questions about any of the cards I made.....what I used or how I did sure to ask me by emailing me at the address which you can find on he right side of my blog.  I always want to be able to answer any questions visitors have.

Thanks for stopping by! 

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A few weeks ago I decided to use up a piece of designer paper by using a 12 x 12 One Sheet Wonder pattern from Mary Knabe.  You can see her ...