Wednesday, October 8, 2014


After visiting the Rapid City area of South Dakota, we headed to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota.  The weather was dreary and it was late in the season.  We didn't find any shops open so we just did the drive through the park, grabbed a bite to eat at a cute little bar and headed back to our room.  The next day we were on the road headed for home.
While we drove through the park loop, we saw buffalo, wild horses, prairie dogs and wild turkeys.  We also saw some deer but I didn't get a picture of them.
Wild Tukeys

The buffalo were on the move.  We parked on the road and many of them crossed over in front of us.  I got a really good video of  some of the bulls actually running from one side to the other.

Wild Horses

Prairie Dogs
Tomorrow, I'm going to get back to posting cards for you.  My husband drove an activity bus for our granddaughter's Junior High volleyball team  last night and will again tomorrow night.  Since I managed to get a card made last night I will be posting that tomorrow.  It really felt good to be making a card again.  It's been quite a while since I've produced anything new.  I hope to take some of that "alone time" again tomorrow night to be inspired at my craft table.  Wish me luck!!
Thanks for coming by today.

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