Friday, March 20, 2020


I forgot to schedule cards for yesterday and today and since they both use the same papers, I'm sharing both of them with you for this post.  

This card is actually getting mailed to a friend of mine who I lived with after getting out of business school "years ago".......too many to admit.  It's wonderful that we have stayed in touch all this time.

The Covid-19 has not come to our county yet but my husband and I are being very careful about staying in and not traveling outside our small town.  My husband love the outdoors but fortunately he likes to read......that only goes so far.  He's feeling a little like a bear in hibernation.  As for me, I'm very content staying inside and either reading or sitting at my craft table.  

It's also one time for sure that I am grateful that we don't live in a big city.  One of our daughters is offering to grab any groceries we might want or need.  We are fortunate to have family so close.  Please take care wherever you are!

Thank you for stopping by today!


bonnie32002 said...

Good job with the pretty DP!

Lynette said...

Pretty cards, Vicki. I'm so happy to hear you are staying put. We are not leaving our house except for going for walks. Eventually we'll need some more groceries, but we'll be very careful when we have to get them.

Cheryl W said...

Two pretty cards, but I especially love the sentiment on the second one. I don't mind being at home, either, but my husband also gets a bit antsy, so he goes to his office every day. He's the only one there, so there is little danger in his doing that. I am glad, because then I can read or craft without him "underfoot," if you know what I mean. he he I love him to death, but I like that we're each ok doing our own thing.

A few weeks ago I decided to use up a piece of designer paper by using a 12 x 12 One Sheet Wonder pattern from Mary Knabe.  You can see her ...