Monday, March 26, 2012


Although it is late in the day, I wanted to get a post up again.  The card I am posting is with another flip-flower but in a little different layout.

Last Saturday I went to a work shop put on by one of my friend's sisters.  About 10-12 work stations were set up with a different sample card at each station and materials for us to make one or more of each one.  This is the first time I have gone to something like this and we had so much fun and I will definitely be going more often!!!  I made one or more of each card except for one and will begin posting them tomorrow (Tuesday).

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

These flower Pop Up cards are SO COOL! Love the colors on this one... it will be fun for the recipients, too!

Our local librarian does so many fun projects for the children in our community.  In February I gave her a couple of kits for the kids to ma...