Thursday, March 28, 2013


When the grandchildren come to stay we always have to bake cookies.  Since it was close to Easter, we made cut out Easter cookies.  They love getting to roll them out and cut the designs of their choice.  Tucker did the rolling out part of the time and Taryn got to do it too.

Here Taryn is cutting a cookie.
Some of the bunnies were going to be really small to add frosting so I brushed them with a little milk and then the kids sprinkled them with colored sugars.
We must have worked them too hard because they were really tired that night.
Tucker slept on the sofa and Taryn slept in Grandpa's chair.
The next day we added some icing and sprinkles to the rest of the cookies.  I love this recipe because they remain soft when stored in an air tight container.  They were very proud of the cookies they made.  Later the second day we stirred up chocolate chip cookies because that is something they love to do for Grandpa.  We baked enough of those so they could take some home.
I love that they still like to sit on my lap and have stories read to them - usually more than once a day.  And when they are tired.......they are really tired and are out like a light.  They are growing up so fast.  We are taking them home this evening and tomorrow I will need to start getting foods organized for Easter Sunday dinner at one of our daughter's home.
Thanks for stopping by..........and in case I don't get anything further posted this week I wish everyone a very Blessed Passover and Happy Easter!!!


Annie said...

Those are really precious pictures of the grandchildren, its easy to see they are having a good time!!

Joanne said...

These photos are so very precious! What a wonderful grandma you are....and they will always remember these special times with you!

Lynette said...

That is so special, Vicki! You are very lucky (and very patient!) to be able to do that. The cookies look great!

A few weeks ago I decided to use up a piece of designer paper by using a 12 x 12 One Sheet Wonder pattern from Mary Knabe.  You can see her ...