Thursday, June 22, 2017


Pinterest was definitely the inspiration for this card.  I used the same die for the design across the white portion which allows the designer paper below peek through.  The butterflies are different and I made it my own by adding a second butterfly to the design.

I left the wings of the white die cut free from glue to let them "fly".  The small picture allows you to see this.

Thank you for coming by today!


Anonymous said...

Butterfly card is absolutely gorgeous.

Lynette said...

So pretty, Vicki! Gives me an idea to try some time with a die that I have. I hope I remember:)


BEAUTIFUL CARD! What a NEAT idea, I will have to try it too. I found your blog thru Lynettes
blog, where she gave you credit for the idea. TY4S

bonnie32002 said...

I must have missed this card. When I saw Lynette's link I had to come look. So pretty!

Our local librarian does so many fun projects for the children in our community.  In February I gave her a couple of kits for the kids to ma...