Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I bought this stamp in Branson, MO, and I really liked the way they had done the sample of it.  I had taken a picture of it and tried to use it as a guide.  The image was colored with Copic markes.  Then I took my Quickie Glue Pen and added some glue to various parts of the design.  Clear Glitter was then added to the image where glue had been applied.  The three pearls were colored with the Copoic marker to match the card stock.
There isn't a lot I can do to change the coloring but I may try doing it again and softening the color just a little.  What do you think? 

Thanks for stopping by!


Annie said...

I like it just the way it is! I might soften the blue shells just a tad, but I think it looks great!

Harriet Skelly said...

I love the layout here Vicki - so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I think it's beautiful just as it is, but would also be gorgeous in softer shades.


Joanne said...

After sitting outside and watching these birds, I think you hit it *spot on*! You did a wonderful job choosing colors and making this scene look realistic!

Anonymous said...

i think it is bright and colorful - just the sort of card to brighten up someone's day

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