Monday, November 23, 2020


It's still Monday but less than an hour left until Tuesday here.  Over the weekend I was going to try to post a card for today and post ones scheduled to show up the rest of the week.  That didn't happen.  I won't bore everyone with things happening here, but I find it necessary to take this week off from posting on my blog.  We need to get together with our insurance agent to figure out what insurance plan we'll be signing up with for 2021. I hate having to make that decision every year.    

My husband and I will be celebrating Thanksgiving alone this year. Since I promised to make the traditional Thanksgiving meal for just the two of us, I am going to be kind of busy over the next couple of days with that as well.   We discussed it with our two daughters and decided it was best if we all have our own Thanksgiving "celebrations" with those in our own households.  Sad but being safe is most important.  My husband and I probably don't need to worry about getting the virus again this soon, but we don't want to take the chance of picking up something else - especially while my lungs are still healing.

I will leave you with this card that I made back in 2013.  It is one my mother's favorites and she gets it out every year.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE!  I plan on being back with something new again next Monday, November 30.......I hope.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 We have a mailing list of about 20 senior citizens from our community and family members that we send holiday cards to.  This is what I made to use this year for our Thanksgiving cards.  There are a lot of different color combinations in the Plaid Tidings designer paper pack so I used a variety of the pieces.  The leaf is from Poppy Stamps.

Thank you for coming by today!

Monday, November 16, 2020


I had intended to post this card last Friday but time got away.   I saw one similar to this on Pinterest and really liked it.  I'm really enjoying using the Plaid Tidings designer paper from Stampin' Up!

Thank you for coming by today!


Thursday, November 12, 2020


Today one of our granddaughters, Abby, is celebrating her birthday.  I've been trying to make all of the birthday cards for the grandchildren with something a little different than an A2 card.  

I went to YouTube and searched for a Peek-A-Boo card.  This was one style and I really liked the way it works.  Open it up and you get a different message in the circle...............

Now for making it.  This was my second attempt to make it following the video.  I'm not sure what I did wrong to the first one, but the opening for the stamped items ended up down toward the bottom.....which would have been OK but my circles were not lining up as well as I wanted them.  Since this was for my granddaughter, I wanted them to look better.

Thanks for coming by today!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020


My friend, Lynette and her husband Jim are celebrating their Anniversary today.  This is one of my very favorite cards that I made with this dp.   I love that beautiful flower.  It really made the card all by itself.  I matted the dp with Crumb Cake card stock from SU and then added it to a white card base.

Thank you for coming by today!

CORRECTION:  It's probably too late to change this to post on Monday and Lynette may have already seen this post.  I know she won't open cards until Monday.  Their anniversary is actually Monday.  😀


Friday, November 6, 2020

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


One of the Stampin' Up! demonstrators who put on the online retreats that I have taken also does a weekly "Mystery Stamping" project.  She puts out a list on Sundays of the supplies we'll need and then one clue at a time on Monday tells us what to clue at a time.

I like the layout. It was something different than I have done before.  Thank you for coming by today!


Monday, November 2, 2020

FANCY FOLD using SU Flowers for Every Season

This card is folded like a box top.  

Completely open on the inside.

Completely open on the outside.

To close, start with the left front....

Next fold down the top and tuck under circle...

Next right front fold and tucks under circle.

Last fold up the bottom section tucking under the left front and the circle....just like you do when closing a box top.  One of my friends made one of these a few weeks ago so I made this one at that time. I think it's fun trying new folds so that when I send the card they are receiving something that is a little unusual.

Thanks for coming by today!

Another card using the embossed cross but I added a dimensional sticker with a bouquet of tulips. Thank you for coming by today!