Monday, December 19, 2022


The crunch is on for Christmas preparations.  I still have gift card holders to make and fix some unbaked sweet the rest of the week, I will be only posting pictures of cards.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I will try to answer.  You will need to come back to the posts for any answers if I don't have your contact information.

Thank you for coming by today!



Lynette said...

Very pretty! I love the soft colors and all of the white!

Cheryl W said...

Beautiful cards! I finished my baking today. The wrapping is done and I just have to print and bind the family calendars. Then I'll be ready to celebrate the season.

Joey Hartman is another demonstrator that I recently discovered on YouTube.   This  video was about making 5-minute cards.  She was having s...