Friday, December 8, 2023


Today at 10:00 AM our oldest granddaughter, Allissa, will graduate as a Physicians Assistant.  I can't even begin to explain how proud we are of the hard work it took to meet her goal.  She's very intelligent and we know she'll do a lot of good for her patients.  For such a special occasion I actually considered buying a card for her (what a foolish idea) but decided that she would probably expect a one-of-a-kind card that I made just for her.  This is the card she is receiving from us.

Several years ago I made a similar style card for my mother's birthday with stickers having to do with what happened in the year she was born.  This was a really fun card to make.  When I decided to give it a try, I turned to Pinterest and found one that was similar to what I used on the front.  Then I turned to eBay and found two sets of stickers that I used to embellish the inside.  

Allissa finished her rotations in Chicago and is living there right now.  She may spend her first year in Iowa as a PA because she was told that the Chicago hospitals don't hire them without previous experience.  Our family has always been pretty close so it was hard to see her move out of state.  We'll enjoy having her back her for a year and know that she has to be able to spread her wings.  We certainly wish nothing but the best for her in her future!

Thank you for stopping by today!


Lynette said...

What a super-wonderful, awesome card for her!!! I know that she will appreciate it so much!! Congrats to her. Quite an accomplishment.

Wanda said...

Such a cute card. I'm sure your granddaughter will appreciate it and congrats to her!!

Cheryl W said...

That's a fabulous card for a fabulous granddaughter. I can understand why you are so proud. I wish her much success in her career and much happiness in her personal life.

Our local librarian does so many fun projects for the children in our community.  In February I gave her a couple of kits for the kids to ma...