Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This is another idea I got from Pinterest.  Very simple to do with various images.  Thanks for stopping by!


Harriet Skelly said...

I saw something similar to this on pinterest also - I love it with the butterflies!

Sheri said...

This is my favorite of your Pintrest finds. Love it! You have to show us how you did this in DM

Joanne said...

Very the look, and so much more fun than a triangle!
Thanks for sharing the idea!

Lynette said...

So cool and so beautiful, Vicki!

Sandy said...

Great card, love the idea!

Annie said...

Thanks for sharing all these great ideas with us, this is really neat!

Ann Schach said...

Oh my gosh! How cute and creative is this!

Yesterday we had a fun trip to Cantril, IA for the Dutchman's Store!  We stopped in Bloomfield first and had a nice lunch at a family di...