Monday, May 27, 2013


On May 27, ???? (too many years ago to tell you) I graduated from high school.  It is a date easily remembered because 2 days later I stood up in the wedding of a life long friend who graduated with me.  Even though she and her husband live in Texas now, all these years later we are still best of friends and have taken one vacation together and are planning another. 
Our school colors were purple and gold but in May of 1991 the last class graduated from our school and our school merged with a neighboring district. 
When we are invited to graduation parties, I like to make a card for the graduate in their school colors.  Because we tend to get most of the invitations for this school district, I make several in blue and gold.  The circular stamped design is made with a JustRite set of letters.  I leave the letters in the round wood mount and just have to change the year.
Thank you for stopping by!


Sheri said...

How nice to send so many graduation cards to the young people in your area. I haven't seen my JustRite stamps in a very long time. I need to use them!

Harriet Skelly said...

Super graduation card Vicki!

Char said...

I love that idea of using the Just Rite stamps to make personalized Graduation cards.

Good idea keeping the saying and just switching out the year.

Cool card!!!

A few weeks ago I decided to use up a piece of designer paper by using a 12 x 12 One Sheet Wonder pattern from Mary Knabe.  You can see her ...