Thursday, January 12, 2023

STAMPIN' UP! - From the Heart DSP

I had some of this paper left and was determined to get it used.  This is one of the cards my friends and I made.  One of the centers is getting a variety of designs.  Tomorrow and the next day there will two more cards using this paper but different layouts.

Thank you for coming by today!




Wanda said...

WOW! What a bright and cheery Valentine's Day card this is. I love this layout, it's one of my favorites! Your card is beautiful!

Lynette said...

Well, I've gotten caught up on your blog again. Sure doesn't take long to get behind! I love all your valentines and it's so fun you can get together and make cards with friends. Bummer that the card to your granddaughter got lost.

Cheryl W said...

I'm loving all the Valentine inspiration from you. I haven't made any yet, but plan to get started tomorrow. TFS.

I'd love to be able to give credit to whoever was the inspiration for this card.  I searched my YouTube history and also searched Pinter...