Wednesday, December 9, 2020


BREAK TIME IS FINALLY OVER! I certainly didn't plan on staying away this long but the stresses of life just took over.  I have a lot of cards lined up to post and since so many are Christmas/Holiday cards, I will probably post more than one at a time some days.

My mother's only surviving sister turned 101!!!  My card is going to be late but I knew I still wanted to send it because I was pretty sure she would enjoy the piano on it.  She was so talented and was still playing the piano as of a couple of years ago.  Not sure if she does any more.  Impressive!!!

Remember if you want to know when I actually do post something, you can sign up for the newsletter.  That way there is no need to check back each day if I'm "taking a break" again.

Thank you for coming by today!  



Lynette said...

Oh how awesome that your aunt is 101 - amazing!! Congrats to her! I'm sure she will love the piano on your pretty card.

Cheryl W said...

Wow! Turning 101 is definitely a reason to celebrate. I love your card with that bright spot of red. It really draws the eye to the main image--the piano, of course. Your aunt is an inspiration. If I live to be 101, I hope I'm still able to make cards. :)

bonnie32002 said...

You have been missed. I'll be looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful creations!


Our Grandson, Tucker, will be graduating from High School next weekend but today is his graduation party.   My card is made pretty much like...