Sunday, June 23, 2024

I'm not sure, but I believe I posted this card before but only before I added the focal point.  When I put the strips together I was waiting to get the Oxidized Copper specialty paper.  I finally got the card completed.  

Thank you for coming by today!



Lynette said...

Those pieces are cut so perfectly, Vicki! What a great card!

Wanda said...

I love that DSP. Your card is lovely. I like the layout of all of the pieces. You did a great job with them. *jealous* I struggle with placing pieces.

Cheryl W said...

The different patterns and colors of DSP add so much interest to your card. Looks great!

I bought the floral dsp and the blue card stock in Des Moines years ago and had not done anything with it.  In my effort to use up some of m...