Friday, June 21, 2024

Today my husband and I are taking a little car trip with our two grown daughters.  We heard about a store in Cantril, IA......"Dutchman's Store".  They heard about it from friends, so we are going to check it out.  You can check it out here.  Last summer we took them to the huge candy store in Minnesota.  Even though they are grown with families, it's fun to have the four of us together making these trips and the two girls spend a lot of time remembering years past and giggling.....which gets us in on it too.

For this first one, I cut off an edge of the front.

These two cards were made using dsp from a paper pad.

Thank you for coming by today!



Cheryl W said...

Pretty cards! I always like the design of the first card with the vertical sentiment. I checked out the Dutchman's Store through the link you provided. Looks like it's going to be a fun trip. Have a great time with your daughters.

Lynette said...

So pretty, Vicki! It's always so fun when the paper can be the "star" of the card.

The Hues of Happiness dsp is one that I was concentrating on getting used up.  However I have a second pack that is nearly full.  The card a...